Adverbial pronouns can be daunting - are they pronouns or are they adverbs, and what exactly do they do? In fact, the little words y and en pack a ton of meaning, and using them can make the difference between good and great French. 💬
Today's issue of Lawless French à fond takes an in-depth look at adverbial pronouns and how they work with other parts of speech.
Table of Contents
🎬 As always, let's start with the basics: What are adverbial pronouns?
There are two, en and y, and despite their tiny size, they are vital to effective communication. After reading the introduction, take a look at the detailed lessons:
Once you feel comfortable with adverbial pronouns, you need to know that there are other types of pronouns that often work with them:
In addition to knowing how 📜 to use these pronouns, you need to know where 🧭 to use them, so that's where these two lessons come in:
Pronoun placement - Where do adverbial and object pronouns go in different kinds of sentences?
Double pronoun order - When a sentence has two pronouns, which one comes first?
Quiz Time
See how you do with adverbial pronouns in these fill-in-the-blanks quizzes.
Le village d'Iseltwald en Suisse
PwLF adverbial pronoun super list
Consider this a perpetual quiz: you can click the "test your knowledge" button to take a new test as many times as you like.
Practice your understanding of adverbial pronouns with some fun videos.
Milo - Les œufs en chocolat (B1)
Practice some more with dictation exercises (Premium Progress with Lawless French account required).
Problème d'addition (A2)
Au Carnaval de Nice (B1)
🙋 A2 - B1 - B2 ?
These are 3 of the 6 CEFR proficiency levels.
Juste pour rigoler
Comic courtesy of Malachi Ray Rempen,
💗 Remerciements
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